Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Artist Statement: Diane Kramer

Art Statement
Diane Marie Kramer

All of my work is conceived from within. Just as nature shapes through time its landscapes, I too have been shaped by my past experiences. Much of what I create today stems from my experiences as a young girl, digesting events recounted by my mother and grandmother through a ritual of daily storytelling and dream sharing. This experience became my first profound creative inspiration. The images and feelings that came from listening to their stories and the sharing of nightly dreams have influenced the shape and form of my art. I learned to see by listening not only with my ears but also with my eyes and heart. It became natural for my hands, using elements from my daily environment including nature, to develop these visions into art.

I try to discern the essence of things. Intuition and dream states are channels through which I arrive at the form and content of my work. I am able to focus beyond the immediate visual reality and allow myself to enter a dream state. I am then able to cultivate my images, feelings and forms which connect me to the unconscious world where my images are developed. My work conveys the passage of time and inner worlds
Reflecting who I am as an artist and individual.

Many of the images are also connected to musical vibrations. The vibration of both sound and image are of the same to me. The image like the musical vibration follows a feeling that is rooted in intuition. Art is complex images with feeling that emanates. It becomes whole as it is contemplated. Art, then, is a contemplation of feeling, is the unreflective intuition of being. The art lives in its images.

The materials in each piece play a significant role in the successful conclusion of the work, regardless of whether it is sculpture or painting. My fascination with color, textures, and shapes, and the alchemical process that occurs in the melding of materials, feeling, and form over time have manifested into the completed works which are all “rooted in intuition”.

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